+43 (0)1 890 5920
DEENMexikoplatz 26/EG | A-1020 Wien


Company data:

Tom Krauss Immo GmbH Mexikoplatz 26 1020

Vienna Tel: +43 1 890 5920

Fax: +43 1 890 5920 15

E-Mail: office@tomkrauss.at

Company register number: 375829s

Company register court: Commercial court Vienna

UID: ATU67039536

Designation: Real estate trustee Legal regulation for real estate trustees: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=20002461Mitgliedschaft: WWK (Vienna Chamber of Commerce) https://firmen.wko.at/Web/DetailsKontakt.aspx?FirmaID=8989f6e3-dbf9-453f-8749-f9cf97edad32&StandortID=0&Suchbegriff=Tom%20Krauss%20Immo%20GmbH&Page=1 ÖVI (Austrian Association of Real Estate Trustees)Information obligation according to the media law: Owner of the website:Tom Krauss Immo GmbH Mexikoplatz 26 1020 Vienna Tel: +43 1 890 5920 Fax: +43 1 890 5920 15 E-Mail: office@tomkrauss.at USE:All contents of the homepage are protected by copyright. Tom Krauss Immo GmbH reserves all rights including the rights of photomechanical reproduction, the duplication and distribution via special processes (e.g. data processing, data carriers, data networks). Contents and pictures may not be changed in any way and may not be used on other Internet pages or networked computers without written permission. Any use for public or commercial purposes requires the written consent of Tom Krauss Immo GmbH. A violation of these conditions obliges the immediate destruction of all printed or downloaded contents. The assertion of any claims for damages remains reserved.INTERNET SERVICES:The websites of Tom Krauss Immo GmbH also contain cross-references (LINKS) to other websites. Tom Krauss Immo GmbH is not responsible for external content that can be accessed via such links. These cross-references (LINKS) were checked for illegal content when they were first linked. Only if Tom Krauss Immo GmbH determines or is informed that an offer has illegal content, this cross-reference (LINK) is removed, as far as this is technically possible.TRADEMARK LAW:Tom Krauss Immo GmbH expressly points out that the designations, trademarks, logos and brand names mentioned and shown on this website are the property of the corresponding companies and/or persons and are subject to copyright!WARRANTY:The information on the Internet pages is prepared with the greatest care. However, Tom Krauss Immo GmbH does not guarantee its completeness or suitability for certain purposes. The use of the content provided on the Internet pages is at the sole risk of the user. Business vector created by freepik - en.freepik.com